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  • Vol. 25  Issue 4, 2024 2024年 25卷 第4 Issue
    • Regular Papers

      2024年4月28日,No. 58 Research Institute的CAO Zhengzhou团队在《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》上发表了关于可编程逻辑元素(PLE)的最新研究成果。该研究基于Sense-Switch pFLASH技术,实现了多种逻辑功能,包括三位查找表(LUT3)、部分四位查找表(LUT4)、锁存器以及带有使能和复位功能的D触发器(DFF)。该团队采用操作逻辑选择(COOL)方法,使得PLE能够灵活实现任意比例的组合逻辑和寄存器逻辑电路。这一特性使得PLE在细粒度上与专用集成电路(ASIC)单元相近,为ASIC类似的基于单元的映射器提供了充分的优化潜力。实验结果显示,Sense-Switch pFLASH的开启状态驱动电流约为245.52 μA,而关闭状态泄漏电流仅为0.1 pA。PLE的可编程功能表现正常,典型的组合逻辑操作AND3的延迟为0.69 ns,而顺序逻辑操作DFF的延迟为0.65 ns,均满足设计技术指标要求。这一研究为可编程逻辑设计领域提供了新的思路和方法,有望推动相关技术的进一步发展。

      Zhengzhou CAO,Guozhu LIU,Yanfei ZHANG,Yueer SHAN,Yuting XU

      Vol. 25, Issue 4, Pages: 485-499(2024) DOI: 10.1631/FITEE.2300454
      Abstract:This paper proposes a kind of programmable logic element (PLE) based on Sense-Switch pFLASH technology. By programming Sense-Switch pFLASH, all three-bit look-up table (LUT3) functions, partial four-bit look-up table (LUT4) functions, latch functions, and d flip flop (DFF) with enable and reset functions can be realized. Because PLE uses a choice of operational logic (COOL) approach for the operation of logic functions, it allows any logic circuit to be implemented at any ratio of combinatorial logic to register. This intrinsic property makes it close to the basic application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) cell in terms of fine granularity, thus allowing ASIC-like cell-based mappers to apply all their optimization potential. By measuring Sense-Switch pFLASH and PLE circuits, the results show that the “on” state driving current of the Sense-Switch pFLASH is about 245.52 μA, and that the “off” state leakage current is about 0.1 pA. The programmable function of PLE works normally. The delay of the typical combinatorial logic operation AND3 is 0.69 ns, and the delay of the sequential logic operation DFF is 0.65 ns, both of which meet the requirements of the design technical index.  
      Keywords:Field programmable gate array (FPGA);Programmable logic element (PLE);Boolean logic operation;Look-up table;Sense-Switch pFLASH;Threshold voltage   
      <CITATION> <Bulk Citation> 55717741 false
    • Regular Papers

      2023年9月29日,Na Li、Yuanyuan Gao团队在《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》发表研究论文,深入探讨了无蜂窝大规模多输入多输出(MIMO)系统在多个被动窃听者联合窃听条件下的资源分配问题。针对有限的导频资源,该团队提出了一种基于接入点(AP)选择的导频分配方案,优化了导频传输功率,以提高信道估计的准确性。同时,为了应对多个被动窃听者联合窃听环境下的安全传输问题,团队结合局部部分迫零预编码方案,制定了传输功率优化策略,旨在最大化系统的最小安全频谱效率。仿真结果显示,该方案能有效降低信道估计误差,提升系统安全性。这一研究成果为无蜂窝MIMO系统的资源分配和安全传输提供了新的解决方案,为该领域的研究发展开辟了新方向。

      Na LI,Yuanyuan GAO,Kui XU,Xiaochen XIA,Huazhi HU,Yang LI,Yueyue ZHANG

      Vol. 25, Issue 4, Pages: 500-512(2024) DOI: 10.1631/FITEE.2200599
      Abstract:We investigate the resource allocation problem of a cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output system under the condition of colluding eavesdropping by multiple passive eavesdroppers. To address the problem of limited pilot resources, a scheme is proposed to allocate the pilot with the minimum pollution to users based on access point selection and optimize the pilot transmission power to improve the accuracy of channel estimation. Aiming at the secure transmission problem under a colluding eavesdropping environment by multiple passive eavesdroppers, based on the local partial zero-forcing precoding scheme, a transmission power optimization scheme is formulated to maximize the system’s minimum security spectral efficiency. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can effectively reduce channel estimation error and improve system security.  
      Keywords:Cell-free;Colluding eavesdropping;Limited pilot resources;Access point selection;Security rate   
      <CITATION> <Bulk Citation> 42388831 false
    • Regular Papers

      2023年12月1日,来自重庆大学生物工程学院的ZHONG Daidi团队和微电子与通信工程学院的ZHONG Yuanhong团队在《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》杂志上发表了一篇重要论文。该研究针对多帧人体姿态估计的挑战性问题,提出了一种创新的框架,通过特征和语义层面的精细化来提升姿态估计的准确性。论文指出,由于运动模糊、视频失焦和遮挡等因素,多帧人体姿态估计一直是研究的难点。大多数现有方法主要依赖对最终热图的优化来利用帧间的时间一致性,但这种做法忽视了特征层面的精细化。为此,ZHONG团队提出了一种新的方法,不仅对齐辅助特征与当前帧特征以减少特征分布差异带来的损失,还利用注意力机制融合这两种特征。在语义层面,团队引入相邻热图间的差异信息作为辅助特征来优化当前热图。该方法在PoseTrack2017和PoseTrack2018等大型基准数据集上进行了验证,并取得了显著成效。这一研究成果不仅为人体姿态估计领域提供了新的解决方案,也为未来相关研究开辟了新方向,并为相关体系建设奠定了坚实基础。

      Yuanhong ZHONG,Qianfeng XU,Daidi ZHONG,Xun YANG,Shanshan WANG

      Vol. 25, Issue 4, Pages: 513-526(2024) DOI: 10.1631/FITEE.2200639
      Abstract:Due to factors such as motion blur, video out-of-focus, and occlusion, multi-frame human pose estimation is a challenging task. Exploiting temporal consistency between consecutive frames is an efficient approach for addressing this issue. Currently, most methods explore temporal consistency through refinements of the final heatmaps. The heatmaps contain the semantics information of key points, and can improve the detection quality to a certain extent. However, they are generated by features, and feature-level refinements are rarely considered. In this paper, we propose a human pose estimation framework with refinements at the feature and semantics levels. We align auxiliary features with the features of the current frame to reduce the loss caused by different feature distributions. An attention mechanism is then used to fuse auxiliary features with current features. In terms of semantics, we use the difference information between adjacent heatmaps as auxiliary features to refine the current heatmaps. The method is validated on the large-scale benchmark datasets PoseTrack2017 and PoseTrack2018, and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.  
      Keywords:Human pose estimation;Multi-frame refinement;Heatmap and offset estimation;Feature alignment;Multi-person   
      <CITATION> <Bulk Citation> 44774413 false
    • Regular Papers

      2024年4月28日,来自College of Computer Science and Mathematics的LIN Wei团队和College of Economics and Management的LIAO Lichuan团队,在知名期刊《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》上发表了一篇关于提升神经网络模型鲁棒性的研究论文。他们发现,通过逐步增强训练过程中对抗样本的攻击力,可以有效提高模型的鲁棒性,同时,适当的模型迁移可以在几乎不增加计算成本的情况下保持模型的泛化性能。为了验证这一观点,他们提出了一种名为SPGAT的连续扰动生成对抗训练方法,该方法通过在前一个周期转移的对抗样本上添加扰动来逐步增强对抗样本的攻击力,并在周期之间迁移模型以提高对抗训练的效率。实验结果表明,SPGAT方法在计算效率上远超标准对抗训练方法,同时,在模型对抗精度和清洁精度上的性能提升分别超过7%和3%。他们在小规模的MNIST、中等规模的CIFAR-10以及大规模的CIFAR-100数据集上都进行了广泛的评估,结果显示SPGAT方法在效率和性能上均优于当前最先进的方法,为神经网络模型的鲁棒性提升提供了新的解决方案。

      Wei LIN,Lichuan LIAO

      Vol. 25, Issue 4, Pages: 527-539(2024) DOI: 10.1631/FITEE.2300474
      Abstract:Adversarial training with online-generated adversarial examples has achieved promising performance in defending adversarial attacks and improving robustness of convolutional neural network models. However, most existing adversarial training methods are dedicated to finding strong adversarial examples for forcing the model to learn the adversarial data distribution, which inevitably imposes a large computational overhead and results in a decrease in the generalization performance on clean data. In this paper, we show that progressively enhancing the adversarial strength of adversarial examples across training epochs can effectively improve the model robustness, and appropriate model shifting can preserve the generalization performance of models in conjunction with negligible computational cost. To this end, we propose a successive perturbation generation scheme for adversarial training (SPGAT), which progressively strengthens the adversarial examples by adding the perturbations on adversarial examples transferred from the previous epoch and shifts models across the epochs to improve the efficiency of adversarial training. The proposed SPGAT is both efficient and effective; e.g., the computation time of our method is 900 min as against the 4100 min duration observed in the case of standard adversarial training, and the performance boost is more than 7% and 3% in terms of adversarial accuracy and clean accuracy, respectively. We extensively evaluate the SPGAT on various datasets, including small-scale MNIST, middle-scale CIFAR-10, and large-scale CIFAR-100. The experimental results show that our method is more efficient while performing favorably against state-of-the-art methods.  
      Keywords:Adversarial training;Adversarial attack;Stochastic weight average;Machine learning;Model generalization   
      <CITATION> <Bulk Citation> 55752524 false
    • Regular Papers

      2023年12月1日,School of Cyberspace Security的ZHANG Wenbo、FENG Jingyu团队在《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》上发表了一篇关于区块链技术的论文。该研究针对多链共识机制中的恶意用户行为,提出了一种名为Proof-of-DiscTrust(PoDT)的多链共识方案。该方案通过引入独特信任(DiscTrust)概念,评估用户在不同链上的信任值,以抵御多样矿工行为(DMB)攻击。此外,研究团队还设计了动态行为预测方案,防止恶意攻击者通过交替创建真实或虚假区块来维持强大的信任。该研究不仅为区块链网络的安全提供了新的解决方案,还为多链共识机制的研究开辟了新的方向。

      Wenbo ZHANG,Tao WANG,Chaoyang ZHANG,Jingyu FENG

      Vol. 25, Issue 4, Pages: 540-554(2024) DOI: 10.1631/FITEE.2200505
      Abstract:As cross-chain technologies enable interactions among different blockchains (hereinafter “chains”), multi-chain consensus is becoming increasingly important in blockchain networks. However, more attention has been paid to single-chain consensus schemes. Multi-chain consensus schemes with trusted miner participation have not been considered, thus offering opportunities for malicious users to launch diverse miner behavior (DMB) attacks on different chains. DMB attackers can be friendly in the consensus process on some chains, called mask chains, to enhance their trust value, while on others, called kill chains, they engage in destructive behaviors on the network. In this paper, we propose a multi-chain consensus scheme named Proof-of-DiscTrust (PoDT) to defend against DMB attacks. The idea of distinctive trust (DiscTrust) is introduced to evaluate the trust value of each user across different chains. The trustworthiness of a user is split into local and global trust values. A dynamic behavior prediction scheme is designed to enforce DiscTrust to prevent an intensive DMB attacker from maintaining strong trust by alternately creating true or false blocks on the kill chain. Three trusted miner selection algorithms for multi-chain environments can be implemented to select network miners, chain miners, and chain miner leaders, separately. Simulation results show that PoDT is secure against DMB attacks and more effective than traditional consensus schemes in multi-chain environments.  
      Keywords:Blockchain;Cross-chain;Trust mechanism;Multi-chain consensus   
      <CITATION> <Bulk Citation> 44819236 false
    • Regular Papers

      2023年8月16日,来自中国电子科技集团第十四研究所的Leiming Zhang团队以及流体动力与机电系统国家重点实验室的Longkai Wang和Yong Lei团队,在《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》期刊上发表了他们在控制器局域网(CAN)领域的最新研究成果。该研究聚焦于CAN网络在间歇性连接(IC)故障下的性能评估问题,为解决实时系统健康监测提供了重要方法。团队首先深入探讨了IC故障与网络错误响应之间的因果关系,并基于此估计了IC故障到达率。随后,他们分析了考虑IC故障的网络状态,并运用确定性随机Petri网(DSPN)模型描述了状态间的转换关系。在确定DSPN模型参数后,他们根据模型中的标记概率分布和物理含义计算了系统的可用性。为验证所提方法的有效性,团队构建了测试平台并进行了多组案例研究。实验结果表明,该方法估计结果与实际值高度吻合,为CAN网络在IC故障下的实时性能评估提供了有力支持。这一研究成果不仅为CAN网络的实时健康监测提供了新方法,也为相关领域的研究开辟了新的方向,对于提高工业自动化系统的安全性和可靠性具有重要意义。

      Longkai WANG,Leiming ZHANG,Yong LEI

      Vol. 25, Issue 4, Pages: 555-568(2024) DOI: 10.1631/FITEE.2200592
      Abstract:Controller area networks (CANs), as one of the widely used fieldbuses in the industry, have been extended to the automation field with strict standards for safety and reliability. In practice, factors such as fatigue and insulation wear of the cables can cause intermittent connection (IC) faults to occur frequently in the CAN, which will affect the dynamic behavior and the safety of the system. Hence, quantitatively evaluating the performance of the CAN under the influence of IC faults is crucial to real-time health monitoring of the system. In this paper, a novel methodology is proposed for real-time quantitative evaluation of CAN availability when considering IC faults, with the system availability parameter being calculated based on the network state transition model. First, the causal relationship between IC fault and network error response is constructed, based on which the IC fault arrival rate is estimated. Second, the states of the network considering IC faults are analyzed, and the deterministic and stochastic Petri net (DSPN) model is applied to describe the transition relationship of the states. Then, the parameters of the DSPN model are determined and the availability of the system is calculated based on the probability distribution and physical meaning of markings in the DSPN model. A testbed is constructed and case studies are conducted to verify the proposed methodology under various experimental setups. Experimental results show that the estimation results obtained using the proposed method agree well with the actual values.  
      Keywords:Controller area network;Intermittent connection fault;Arrival rate;Deterministic and stochastic Petri net;Availability evaluation   
      <CITATION> <Bulk Citation> 40741866 false


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